  In Memory of our Founder

Non-Lethal Deer Program
When to Rescue or Not
Support Wildlife Rescue
Wish List
Help Wildlife in Your Area


  Our Patients & Residents


Winter 2013/2014
Spring/Summer 2014

Winter 2014/2015
Spring/Summer 2015
Winter 2015/2016

Spring 2016
Winter 2016/2017
Spring 2017
Winter 2017-2018
Winter 2018-2019


Winter 2019-2020

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"Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough.

We have a higher mission – to be of service to them wherever they require it."

-St. Francis of Assisi


Help Wildlife in Your Area


It's so easy to help wildlife every day in your own home and community!


▪ If you’re 18 years or older, come volunteer with us. We always need dependable help transporting and caring for animals or with administrative tasks.


▪ Keep your cats indoors, obey leash laws, and have all of your pets spayed or neutered. Animals bitten by cats require immediate treatment or face a certain death.


▪ Minimize or eliminate use of pesticides and herbicides in your yard.


▪ Ditch the big lawn-landscape for wildlife by planting wildlife-friendly plants. A few wildlife-friendly resources:

Deer Solutions Maryland

Bay-Friendly Landscaping

National Wildlife Federation

Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping

▪ When safe, leave dead trees (snags) for wildlife. Many animals rely on tree holes for nesting and raising young. Consult a licensed arborist for guidance on tree safety.


▪ If trees must be cut down, check to ensure that animals aren’t nesting there and are safely removed by a qualified wildlife removal company first.


▪ Advocate for land conservation and assistance to wildlife and organizations that

help wildlife. Habitat loss negatively impacts wildlife and creates more opportunities for wildlife/human conflicts.


▪ Educate children to value wildlife, pets, and the environment.


▪ Do not buy birds captured from the wild sold as pets. Many are later euthanized,

abandoned, or surrendered to shelters because they are difficult to care for.


▪ Make sure you are ready for the commitment of a pet BEFORE adopting. Some species of birds can live for up to 70 years.


▪ Don’t litter, pick up trash, and be mindful when throwing things away. Trash can be lethal to wildlife. Especially helpful:

> Animals are attracted to the food residue or salt in plastic containers, and frequently get their heads stuck, causing starvation. Wash and dispose of or recycle plastic containers with lids on where possible.


> When buying six-packs, cut up six-pack plastic holders. Animals frequently get tangled up in them.


> Before disposing of plastic grocery bags, cut the handles and the bag to minimize danger of animals becoming entangled in them.

▪ Keep bird feeders and birdbaths clean. Bird feeders should be cleaned every three weeks and hummingbird feeders should be cleaned every 3 days during hot months. Use diluted bleach or white vinegar and rinse thoroughly before refilling. Keeping feeders and baths clean minimizes risk of disease and fungus transmission.







If you are making a donation in honor or in memory of, please also
email us.

Read our Winter Newsletter

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For Baltimore City Employees and Retirees


"Even though our volunteers assist government agencies, we receive


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